Friday, October 15, 2010


I can't believe that I haven't been on here since April. Life is busy and just flying by. The days are shorter and the temperatures are cooler. Fall has arrived.

My husband bought himself a motorcycle. Although I worry about his safety when he takes long rides, I love the look of joy on his face when he's come back from a ride. I'm thankful that he has some relief and escape from all of the stress of my surgery and recovery. He doesn't deserve to be a nurse-maid for the rest of his life.

I am still working 4 days a week. I'm not going to say it's been easy because at the end of the day I'm completely wiped out but I really love my job and the people that I work with.

I recently saw my surgeon for my final check-up. After talking with me for 30 whole seconds, he pronounced me free to do whatever I want to do. In all fairness, his job was to operate. The operation went well and I am physically healed from the surgery.

As for the rest of me, well, I have good days and not-so-good days. I knew that was a possibility when I had the surgery but I felt so great afterwards that I just assumed (hoped) things would stay that way. Unfortunately, they haven't.

I don't have headaches most days but they are becoming more frequent. I'm not talking about regular headaches from stress, sinus pain, etc. I'm talking about the headaches that I had before the surgery. They originate in the back of my head and cause pain in my neck and shoulders. Sometimes, they're small and I can deal with them. Sometimes, they're big. I can't always stop and lay down when they're big and that doesn't help. They make me feel disoriented. It's difficult to concentrate and follow conversations. It's nearly impossible to read and retain what I'm reading. My face begins to sag again. They completely sap all of my energy. What other option do I have but to deal with them? Unfortunately, that's easier said than done.

I've noticed that my leg is beginning to drag again. Mornings are especially bad.

Most days are really great but sometimes I have difficulty with my balance. Steps and stairs are again becoming a problem.

My singing voice came back at least temporarily. Now, it's getting hoarse again. There's no control anymore. This makes me more sad than anything.

I'm not sleeping much again. I have to take something I only actually sleep for a couple of hours a night. It's exhausting. Probably 4 nights out of 7, I have choking episodes that wake me up from a dead sleep. I've noticed they mostly happen when I'm on my left side so I'm trying to stay off it.

Words sometimes just jumble in my mouth or I can't remember the name of something. My husband teases me about it but I can see that sometimes it's troubling to him.

My hands and face sometimes feel tingly. It usually doesn't last for very long but it's disturbing nonetheless.

Please don't misunderstand and think that I'm complaining. I'm not. I am eternally grateful to Dr. White for performing the surgery. I am still much better than I was before. I am learning to trust in whatever God has for me. I tried the only thing that I could, surgery, and will trust that God has a plan for all of this. I am asking that you pray for me. Pray that God gives me a peace, that I may come to terms with not being completely "healed" and that God will be able to use this in some miraculous way in other people's lives.

PS - By the way, all my hair had grown back in......and I still hate it. :o)

Friday, April 23, 2010


A beautiful day here in Oklahoma. A few threats of possible tornadoes last night but that's the norm for springtime.

Well, the headaches have become more frequent. I don't have them every day but am having them several days a week now. They come very unexpectedly and linger for the rest of the day. My husband tells me that my face has also started to droop when I have headaches. I'm trying not to be worried about the headaches and am pleased that I went so long without one. However, I must say that they're annoying and I can't, for the life of me, figure out what triggers them. On the bright side, I am feeling stronger each day. I don't get tired as easily and everyday things are easier to do. It's been six months and I've still yet to learn not to rush things!

Today, I'm sad. Our oldest dog, who was 16 years old, has been very sick. The medication was making him even more sick and he just wasn't getting well. It was horrible to see him feel bad all the time. We made the decision to put him to sleep. Honestly, it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. He knew something was going on and I think he really got scared. He was always super friendly with everyone but when the vet came in to get him, he shied away and didn't want to go with him. I am very grateful to our vet. He was very kind and very patient with us. He explained everything and never rushed us. I am relieved that CD is no longer in any kind of pain but feel terrible about today. He was a constant companion when I was sick. He could always tell when I didn't feel well and would just lay beside me. If not for him, I would have spend many lonely days all alone. I will miss him very very much.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Sing Thru Me

Music. It's a wonderful and beautiful way to express our praise to God. Whether you have a good voice or make a joyful noise, it's always inspiring for me to see others praise God through song.

About a year ago is when I started to really feel the effects of the Chiari. Along with everything else came a raspy voice. Normally, I could sing for hours. It got to where I could only sing for a few minutes before my voice would diminish. No longer could I sing the beautiful words of the hymns and worship songs that I love. Satan really used it to discourage me. It became difficult to be in the worship service and hear everyone else singing and all I could do was croak out a few notes. After the surgery, I still didn't have a voice. Since then, it is very very slowly coming back. I don't have a wide range and it's not very pretty but I can at least last a song or two before it gives way.

One of our ministers has asked me to sing with the choir in May. It's a song that I know well. Unfortunately, I don't know if it's going to happen. I'm working on exercising those muscles every day but don't seem to be making much progress. Is this going to be permanent? I don't know and I'm really struggling with that.

While trying to rehearse the song I've been asked to sing, I came across another one of my favorites. It reminded me that I don't want to be just another noise that fills the sky. I want Him to sing a song through me.

"A million ways a thousand words a few ideas today
Sitting at the keys my lips they start to pray
What shall I bring what shall I play can I get a taste
Of the music you divinely orchestrate


Don't let me be just another noise that fills the sky
Unless it echoes heavens voice a sound inspired
An instrument that captivates you soul's desire
A masterpiece painted with your fire


Use my hands, us my feet
Use this rhythm and this beat
Use my mouth so you can speak
Like the river to the deep


- Nate Sallie

Friday, March 19, 2010

It's been way too long since I've posted here. Not much going on but here goes...

Went to see the surgeon for a check-up on March 9th. He said I was healing nicely so he officially cleared me to do whatever I want do to. I see him again in six months and if everything is good, I won't have to see him again. Yea! No offense to him but no one likes going to the doctor all the time. Plus, it's expensive!

Working 4 days a week instead of the three that I worked before surgery. It's both good and bad. I feel much more stretched because when I get home, I'm just worn out. Don't want to do a thing but change clothes and do something that doesn't require much brain power. On the other hand, I get much more done at work and don't feel so frantic. Just wish I could find a happy medium.

Beautiful weather this week. Today is supposed to be close to 70 degrees. Tonight, the temperature will drop and there are severe thunderstorms in the forecast. Tomorrow, the high temperature is supposed to be 34 degrees with 40-50 mph winds and blowing snow. I don't know which station is correct but some say we'll get 3 inches of snow and another says we could possibly get up to 11 inches. Ah, Oklahoma. If you don't like the weather, just wait a day and it will change.

I've been having more headaches recently. Not a ton of them and not of the intensity that I had before however, they're still there. I'm trying to be aware of what I'm doing when they hit so maybe I can help to avoid them. Also, my neck muscles have seemed really tight lately. Someone suggested that it might be because I spend so much time at a computer. Maybe. I don't know. On the other hand, I think that I might actually be getting my singing voice back! It's very very slow but it's showing signs of improvement. It's been difficult not being able to do what I love but hopefully, that's changing. I'm still EXTREMELY grateful that the surgery produced such good results and actually have no reason for complaint. None.

Must sign off now as my husband and I are going to get a pedicure and enjoy this beautiful day before the snow!

God is good!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


On February 3rd, I turned 50. There. I said it. Actually, it's not bad at all. Come to think of it, I don't think there's enough money in the world to make me go back in time. As my daughter would say, "I can kick, stretch and kick. I'm 50!"

My husband threw me a big birthday bash with all my friends and family. We had so much fun! 48 friends and Mexican food. That's as good as it gets. It was the first time, since my surgery, I've gotten together with everyone. As I looked around the room, I felt so very blessed to have all of these wonderful people in my life. They pray for me (and my family), encourage me and just love me Thanks, Wes, for bringing everyone together!

On February 11th, my husband and I celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary. As he would say, he "wisked" me away for the weekend. We stayed at the Castle Inn Riverside in Wichita, Kansas. If you've never heard of the place, you need to go and look it up. It's a beautiful old home that's been restored. We went to a movie, did a little bit of shopping (I even actually bought something for myself!) and went to the theater. I'm very blessed to have a husband that treats me so well. I LOVE you, Wes!

Since I'm now working 4 days a week, I've got to figure out how to get everything done. I know that this sounds ridiculous to all of you other working women but I'm absolutely exhausted when I get home. I don't have headaches everyday anymore (just on occasion) but it's like my brain starts to shut down about 3:30-4:00, It's all I can do to concentrate until 5. Then, when I get home, it's almost as if things are confusing. It seems to take me an extra long time to do things. The fact that I still don't sleep well is probably a contributing factor. It's hard, at best, to concentrate on 5 or so hours of sleep. I have my next follow-up with the surgeon on March 9th and I need to ask him about this. I don't know if it's normal or not but it's certainly exhausting!

I'm continuing to heal nicely. My scar is still very itchy and I still have a hole in my head but other than that, I'm doing well. I have random headaches but they're normally not big enough to knock me down. That's a nice change! All in all, I'm still very happy with the results of the surgery. God is good!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hole In My Head

This is my new shirt. I have a hole in my head. Seriously. And it's deep. When I was recovering from surgery, the back of my head was flat and smooth. Then I got a spinal fluid leak and it was swollen and squishy. Now, the part of my head where they removed the bone....a hole. It's creepy at best. I don't know if it's normal or not. Regardless, as my new shirt says, "Two more holes in my head and I'd be a bowling ball." Yee haw.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Brain Picture

I've been meaning to add this MRI image for a while but kept forgetting. See where the arrow points? That's my brain sticking out! Seriously, it's obviously supposed to be round and not have a "tail"...

Still have ice and snow. The sun came out yesterday and melted some of it but today it was overcast and actually snowed for a while. Hopefully, the roads won't be too slick in the morning. I've been off work since last Thursday because of all the ice. Days off are nice but not when the work is piling up!

Have a good week!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


63 degrees on Wednesday. Thursday, Freezing rain and sleet. Friday, snow. Ice, ice and more ice. Global warming? Not in Oklahoma...

Physically, I've been feeling pretty good. I tried to work too much this week and had to talk a half day off. I didn't realize how taxing an 8-9 hour workday would be. I felt fine while I was at work but after I got home, crashed big time. After you have a surgery, you're home for a length of time recovering. During that time, you watch TV, maybe read a little, take naps, etc. You talk with people but it's not constant noise. Going back to work was a challenge. I was very excited to go back on a regular basis because I missed the work and the friends I have there. On the other hand, it's fast paced and doesn't slow down. At all. All day. It was like my brain was exploding with information.

It's been almost 3 months since my surgery. I thought I would be back on track by now. My scar is healed and for all practical purposes, I should be fine. What I didn't expect was to have bouts of tiredness that slam me. I'm fine for 3-4 days and then my body says, "Time to stop." I'm not very good at listening to it and that's one thing that I really need to work on. If I stop and rest, I'm good to go. If not, it affects me for days.

I stress about this because I'm not in control. Actually, there are several things in my life that I can't control. God is teaching me to let go. He has a plan and I trust that plan. I just wish that He would reveal it to me! :o)

I was given some money for Christmas to buy myself some clothes. Most women would think this was heaven. Once again, this is something that stresses me out. When you have medical bills to be paid, it's difficult to look for clothes. Do I need them? Absolutely. Do I want them? Yes but I just can't bring myself to do it. My goal is to get out this week and buy myself piece of clothing...and not feel bad about it. Goodness! Pray for me...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Spent last evening with my girlfriends for a friend's birthday. As I looked around the table (and thought about the ones that couldn't make it), I was so thankful for these beautiful women. They are my encouragers, my buddies, the ones I go to when I hurt, when I am sad, when I need help and when I just want someone to laugh with. They have stuck by me through thick and thin. They love me when I'm ugly and when I'm sweet. They love me despite all of my flaws. They also love my family as much as I do and would do anything for us. I am one lucky girl.

Since I last posted, things have changed a bit. I'm still having headaches 2-3 days a week. I'm grateful that they're not everyday but when they hit, they're hard. No medication relieves the pain. Loud noises and bright lights make it instantly worse. I've also noticed that I've still got some balance issues. If I turn my head quickly or bend straight over, I get very disoriented and almost fall. I tried cleaning out my bottom kitchen cabinets. Even sat on a chair. Didn't work real well because I kept falling forward and hitting my head on the cabinet. Also, I'm still not sleeping well. Because of this, I'm really tired during the day. Please pray for me that I can find a solution.

I want you to understand that I'm not complaining. Compared to before my surgery, all of this is minor. At first, it was disappointing as I thought these things were gone. But as I've healed and gotten back in to the regular swing of things, I'm noticing that some things are still there. I'm over the disappointment and am learning to do whatever it is I have to do to make it work. Satan is my biggest enemy. He comes to steal, kill and destroy by encouraging me to dwell on these things. I am determined not to do it. I will choose to listen to the voice of truth. Even though I had surgery, I still have Chiari and always will have it but it doesn't mean that I have to let it control my life.

Speaking of getting back into the swing of things, I will be working 4 days a week for a while. Things at work are really busy (which is good) but they're behind and need extra help. Luckily, my boss and I have an agreement about my health so if I feel bad, I am free (and encouraged) to go home and rest. I will try my best but work within my limits....with God's help.

Philippians 3:12-14

Friday, January 15, 2010

Ah, the holidays are over ad life is somewhat back to normal. I've been working two days a week. It may not seem like a lot to most people but I'm exhausted at the end of each working day. I sit at a computer all day. In some ways, this is a lot more tiring than being up and around and doing something. My brain feels bogged down by the time I leave. Regardless, I am extremely grateful that I have a job. I am NOT taking it for granted.

Well, the headaches have come back a bit. I don't know if it's because of the CSF leak or other fluid or whatever is causing the burning squishy place on the back of my head or if I'm just getting some of the headaches back. Let me clarify, before the surgery I had a headache every day. Every day. Now, I get them 2-3 times a week. I am grateful that they're not as frequent but I am a bit disappointed that I'm still having them. Whatever the reason, God has a plan.

I'm not sleeping well. I should say that I'm hardly sleeping at all. Last night, it was after 3:30 a.m. before I got more than 5-10 minutes of sleep at a time. I'm so tired that I can hardly keep my eyes open but sleep just doesn't come. I don't lay there and think of problems in my life. I'm just not sleeping. This makes me extremely drowsy during the day. I can't wait to hit the bed at night only to lay there without sleep. Tried over-the-counter sleep aids. None of them are working. What to do...? I pray for people. God brings many people to my mind and I pray for them. All sorts of situations. The hurting, the sick, the jobless. Eventually, I fall asleep while talking to God. I suppose there's no better way to end your day.

Our church will be doing cardboard testimonies on Sunday and I'm participating. What a blessing to be able to share with the whole congregation what God has done in my life.

Haiti. What a horrible situation. Seeing the pictures of devastation and the look of no hope in the eyes of the displaced and wounded has been haunting me for days. The remarks by a certain evangelist were distressing. Now, a movie actor is blaming global warming. I cannot begin to imagine the suffering that these poor people are going through. No food or water. Scared to sleep in their own homes for fear of another earthquake. Dead bodies piled everywhere. Lack of medical attention. It should be a wake-up call to those are complacent about their place in this world. Those who are "self-satisfied and unaware of possible danger". We had a very small earthquake in central Oklahoma today. Who knows what tomorrow may bring? We could be the next victims of tragedy. Never take for granted this day that the Lord has given to you. Serve him today as though this is your last day.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I haven't written in a while because we've been super busy. My husband completely redid the extra bedroom in our house. Took the popcorn off of the ceiling, painted the walls and the woodwork. Moved my grandmother's old bedroom furniture in and bought new bedding. This is the first time in our marriage that we've had an extra bedroom. When our daughter moved out into her own apartment, we took over her bedroom as our office and now we actually have space for someone to come and stay. Suddenly, our house seems much bigger!

On December 30th, we had some friends from Miami, Florida come to stay with us. They had been to Michigan for Christmas and drove this way to see us before they went back home. Our house is on the small side so 5 adults in a house for 3 days was very interesting to say the least. Unfortunately, the newly painted room wasn't large enough for all three of them but at least we had a room for all of their stuff! We had a great time seeing them and sent the cold weather with them to take home to Miami! I don't think they appreciated that too much... :o)

Thanks to the insistence of my husband, we got a new refrigerator! (The one we had was purchased in 1984.) It's stainless steel with french doors on the top and the freezer at the bottom. Ice and water in the door. I LOVE it!

Went back to the surgeon about the leak in my head. He said it could be spinal fluid or it could be some other kind of fluid. Regardless, he felt that I was progressing and healing very well and there was no need for an MRI or CT scan. He said that my body should absorb the fluid. I can't tell you how relieved I am. Just the thought that they might have to open me back up to repair a spinal fluid leak was very unsettling. I still am getting headaches and have occasional balance problems. I just need to remind myself that the surgery was not a cure-all. There was always the possibility of my symptoms not going completely away or reoccurring. I will learn to live with the headaches and being wobbly. I have decided that I will lay down when I am tired. I must listen to my body. Regardless of these past few weeks, I am still very pleased with the outcome of the surgery. It's only been 8 weeks and I'm feeling better each day.

For the next month or so, I will be working 2 days a week. Hopefully, that will work into 3 days. Although we need the money, personally I needed to go back to work for my sanity. I really enjoy my job and the people that I work with. Yes, I'm very tired after working an 8 hour day but I will adjust quickly. I'm just very very grateful that they were willing to have me come back. Many people don't have jobs and I am very thankful and don't take mine for granted.

It's 2010. Hard to believe time passes so quickly. With our daughter out of college and out on her own, my husband and I are starting a completely new phase in our lives. One thing that this surgery has afforded us is more time spent together. I can't explain how much this has meant to me. Spending time with the ones you love is the best.

In 2010, I decided to follow our Pastor's advice and read the Bible through again. I pray that God speaks to me in a new and fresh way. While I was reading today, I was also listening to music. The last song that I listened to is my 2010 prayer for you.

May the grace of God surround you
May His light direct your path
May His spirit lead and guide you
As the weeks and months go past
May your soul be blessed
And may your joy be full
Of the love that His light brings
As you obey His call
Remember most of all
You're a child of the King

May the peace of the Lord go with you
The peace of the Lord go with you
May His spirit rest within you
To comfort and befriend you
He is right beside you
To constantly remind you
You're a child of the King

P.S. -Almost forgot something exciting! I went to the eye doctor on Monday and while I was there I had a visual fields test. Basically, it measures your perpherial vision. Before, I barely had any in my right eye. Now, I got 100% onthe test. I've got all of my vision back. Praise God!