Friday, November 6, 2009

Moved to a room

Dana moved to a room this afternoon after sitting up in a chair for two hours. She is taking more food and using the bathroom on her own. I know that sounds funny but it is very important to regain those functions and she has. We have had some visitors today and we love to see everyone. She falls asleep quickly but wakes up just as fast. Makes me wonder if she is getting any rest at all. Dana is really doing well, much better than I expected. We had another breakthrough that her boss noticed. Dana's right eye would droop when she was tired. Denise was looking at her and commenting on how good she looked. No drooping and her face was symmetrical for the first time in a long time.
I don't know if things will keep getting better after the swelling goes down but I thought that things would improve at a much slower pace. Dana took a good look at her self in the mirror and she was amazed at how good she looked. That really made her happy and even though smiling hurts at this point, she was, with no complaints about the pain.
Dana has a device on her legs SCD (sequential Compression Device)that pumps air in and out like a continuous massage that she wants to have at home. I'm sure that it cost way too much but she loves it. Frankly I think it is what is keeping her awake.
Well she just got some more "don't care about anything" medication so we will be trying to sleep for a few more minutes.


Recovery Day Two

From Wes,

Last night Dana's IV vain collapsed and they could not get another one started after 13 attempts so they decided to give oral meds now that she can swallow and shots instead.
Even with Ambien she did not sleep more than 10 minutes at a time. It was funny because she would be talking, fall asleep mid sentence. When she would wake up she would pick up from where she was in sentence and finish what she was saying.
Physical Therapy got her up and had her sit in a chair for an hour. At about 50 minutes she started getting dizzy but she lasted the whole hour.

Her progress is very good with close to equal strength in both arms and legs. Her left side has been weaker for 25 years. She mentioned that her left leg no longer feels like concrete and when the physical therapist had her lift her left leg she could do it equally as well as her right foot. The burning sensation down the left side of her left foot is less than recent so we are so excited that these improvements have come so soon.

She is in a lot of pain in her neck and her throat is sore and it hurts to swallow. Much of that is due to swelling from the wound and will lessen as the swelling goes down.

I just want to express my gratitude and thankfulness to all the staff at Mercy Hospital. Especially to Dana's care nurses, they have been so kind and helpful.
The Doctor just stopped in to see her and said she is ready to go to a room so she is moving to 369 in just a few minutes. I will uptate later this afternoon.


Sleeping beauty.

On my way into the hospital I heard the sweet sound of a baby being born. At Mercy everytime a baby is born a lullaby is played to celebrate the occasion. What a sweet reminder of how precious a new life is.
When I made it to the ICU mom was sleeping. I knew dad was on his way up so I didn't want to disturb her.
Her vitals were good. But I'm sure she still hates her hair.
The ICU waiting room is busy this morning, I love to people watch. Pretty soon after I got seated I made friends with the sweet receptionist, Michelle. She's a doll.
I can't wait to see my zipperhead momma! But alas I will wait to wake her until her love, my father gets here. :)
Goodmorning everyone, an update will be on it's way shortly.