Monday, December 21, 2009


It's been a very busy last few days and I'm really worn out. I went out Christmas shopping on Friday and Saturday. Why oh why didn't I shop BEFORE my surgery? Pardon me if this sounds rude but people act crazy this time of year. Personally, I think there should be some kind of rule as to how many people can go shopping together. Seriously. Example: Wal-Mart. Here came a mother with 4 teenagers trailing behind her. Come on now. Does it take 5 people clogging up an isle so that mom can pick up bread? Clogging it up because they never follow her in a nice line. No, they stand right in the middle of the aisle. When you politely say, "Excuse me" so that you can get by, they give you the look of death and just stand there. If I'm being honest, I wanted to run over them with my cart. Instead, I gave them one of those 'mommy' looks. Guess I'm scarier than I think because they moved right out of my way. Now, should we discuss all of the people trying to get to Quail Springs Mall? No, I think you get the point.

We had our Connection Class Christmas party on Saturday night. It was really nice to see everyone because I haven't been to class since my surgery. Everyone wanted to see my scar, talk about my recovery and seemed genuinely happy to see me. Played dirty Santa and had some yummy Christmas food.

Sunday morning our choir and orchestra presented great Christmas music. Although I enjoyed it, I was sad that I'm not able to sing with them yet. My voice still sounds scratchy and hoarse. I don't know how long this will last but I really really miss singing.

Sunday evening, we went to my bosses house for our office Christmas party. Good food and good fun. He passed out money to all of us and then we bid on different gifts. I bid at just the right time and hit the jackpot. Came home with the best gift of the night - a box full of cash! Seriously!

Today, I finished my shopping. Fought with the traffic and rude shoppers. Needless to say, I'm worn out. Tomorrow is looking like a good nap day. Getting my eyes checked and going to work on Wednesday. Opening gifts with the whole family on Thursday.

Christmas is my favorite time of year. Not the hustle and crazy crowds of people. That, I could do without. Not even the presents as I have everything that I need and most of what I want but I love buying presents for people. This year, it's been difficult because I haven't had much time or money. I still love giving. I love spending time with my family. The laughing, the eating, the big smiles on their faces when they open up something that they've been wanting. My father reads the Christmas story and we each get a piece of the nativity. As he reads, we put our pieces together until the whole thing is complete. We talk about the blessings that God has given us and remind each other of the honor of being called one of His children.

I especially grateful this year for my health. Every day I'm amazed at the improvement. I'm thankful for God providing just the right doctors at just the right time. I had excellent care while I was in the hospital and after I came home. I'm still in recovery mode but I have a home to live in, a car to drive, food to eat, clothes to wear, a job to provide the money to pay the bills and a healthy and happy family. But most of all I'm thankful that God so loved me that He gave His only son so that when I believed in Him, I wouldn't perish but will have eternal life. This year, let's not forget what the birth of the baby means.