Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I haven't written in a while because we've been super busy. My husband completely redid the extra bedroom in our house. Took the popcorn off of the ceiling, painted the walls and the woodwork. Moved my grandmother's old bedroom furniture in and bought new bedding. This is the first time in our marriage that we've had an extra bedroom. When our daughter moved out into her own apartment, we took over her bedroom as our office and now we actually have space for someone to come and stay. Suddenly, our house seems much bigger!

On December 30th, we had some friends from Miami, Florida come to stay with us. They had been to Michigan for Christmas and drove this way to see us before they went back home. Our house is on the small side so 5 adults in a house for 3 days was very interesting to say the least. Unfortunately, the newly painted room wasn't large enough for all three of them but at least we had a room for all of their stuff! We had a great time seeing them and sent the cold weather with them to take home to Miami! I don't think they appreciated that too much... :o)

Thanks to the insistence of my husband, we got a new refrigerator! (The one we had was purchased in 1984.) It's stainless steel with french doors on the top and the freezer at the bottom. Ice and water in the door. I LOVE it!

Went back to the surgeon about the leak in my head. He said it could be spinal fluid or it could be some other kind of fluid. Regardless, he felt that I was progressing and healing very well and there was no need for an MRI or CT scan. He said that my body should absorb the fluid. I can't tell you how relieved I am. Just the thought that they might have to open me back up to repair a spinal fluid leak was very unsettling. I still am getting headaches and have occasional balance problems. I just need to remind myself that the surgery was not a cure-all. There was always the possibility of my symptoms not going completely away or reoccurring. I will learn to live with the headaches and being wobbly. I have decided that I will lay down when I am tired. I must listen to my body. Regardless of these past few weeks, I am still very pleased with the outcome of the surgery. It's only been 8 weeks and I'm feeling better each day.

For the next month or so, I will be working 2 days a week. Hopefully, that will work into 3 days. Although we need the money, personally I needed to go back to work for my sanity. I really enjoy my job and the people that I work with. Yes, I'm very tired after working an 8 hour day but I will adjust quickly. I'm just very very grateful that they were willing to have me come back. Many people don't have jobs and I am very thankful and don't take mine for granted.

It's 2010. Hard to believe time passes so quickly. With our daughter out of college and out on her own, my husband and I are starting a completely new phase in our lives. One thing that this surgery has afforded us is more time spent together. I can't explain how much this has meant to me. Spending time with the ones you love is the best.

In 2010, I decided to follow our Pastor's advice and read the Bible through again. I pray that God speaks to me in a new and fresh way. While I was reading today, I was also listening to music. The last song that I listened to is my 2010 prayer for you.

May the grace of God surround you
May His light direct your path
May His spirit lead and guide you
As the weeks and months go past
May your soul be blessed
And may your joy be full
Of the love that His light brings
As you obey His call
Remember most of all
You're a child of the King

May the peace of the Lord go with you
The peace of the Lord go with you
May His spirit rest within you
To comfort and befriend you
He is right beside you
To constantly remind you
You're a child of the King

P.S. -Almost forgot something exciting! I went to the eye doctor on Monday and while I was there I had a visual fields test. Basically, it measures your perpherial vision. Before, I barely had any in my right eye. Now, I got 100% onthe test. I've got all of my vision back. Praise God!