Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Haven't felt well for the past couple of days. Big pounding headaches. I have a place on the back of my head that's swollen and tender. It was there when I woke up on Monday morning so we called the doctor and they advised us to come in. Frankly, I was worried that there had been a leak in the patch. They looked at it and recommended that I go for a CT scan to see if there was a leak. Had the scan and then waited anxiously until my appointment the next day.

Tuesday, I saw the surgeon and he said that everything looked perfect on the scan. No leak! God is good. He said that at this stage, the blood clots that formed from the surgery begin to dissolve. When they dissolve, they release all kinds of chemicals into the spinal fluid and that it what he believes to be causing the headaches. This should go away in a couple of days. They also took out my stitches which was a huge relief. They were pulling something awful. Actually, my scar looks pretty good. I was also able to wash my hair for the first time since the surgery and the surgery haircut wasn't as bad as I thought. I need to go and get it all trimmed up evenly but I finally feel somewhat human again.

I know that I have a long road of recovery ahead of me but I have been so blessed up to this point, I don't even know how to express my gratitude. God has been beyond gracious with me. I am healing quickly and marveling at how good I feel. My symptoms that were at first relieved are still gone. I have tons of people who have been and still are praying for me. I'm being taken care of by my family and my friends. My husband has been perfect through this whole situation. Dr. White has been very kind and patient with me and my questions. The staff at Mercy were terrific.

Now, I must concentrate on getting rest so that I can heal properly. At least my hair looks better... :o)